Intimate surgery, despite having existed for decades, has recently become widely known. The purpose of this surgery is to improve a woman’s vulva. For women, the most common procedure is the reduction of the labia minora, also called labiaplasty. It is a simple procedure that will significantly reduce the discomfort of patients and increase their self-confidence.
This cosmetic surgery procedure, addressed to the female sex, can reduce the enlarged labia minora that are embarrassing aesthetically or during sexual intercourse or when putting on clothes. When a woman wishes to correct the shape and /or the size of her vaginal lips, she must resort to a labiaplasty. It is therefore an intimate cosmetic surgery of the labia minora, sometimes restorative, as well as a functional surgery.
Do not hesitate to express your complexes during the consultation: Dr. Gagnon is there to listen to you and advise you in order to help you find a solution addressed to your complexes, even the most intimate.